Monday, August 10, 2009

Elgin & Winter Garden Theatre Centre; August 10, 2009

Written by Anne Burak

The "Elgin" Theatre - Mon. Aug. 10/09

They were heavy doors to open, as the kids pulled on the "brass" handles - unlike the "automatic" doors at the "Cineplex" theatres. There was no popcorn, pizza, nachos etc. --just a HUGE dark area before we went into the first theatre . We were only about 12 people in the 11 A.M. group.

The people there, from the Historical" group were very patient and caring towards the children and tried to explain things to their level.

There seemed to have been "trillion, billion" stairs to climb to the next "Winter Garden" theatre. Luckily, we were able to take the elevator down ... down .. down to the basement.

The Historial staff had everything set up to allow the children a "hands on" experience of how the walls were actually washed (with rolled dough) ...YES, .. real dough. Now, we will just hope the kids don't try this at home to get their rooms ready for back to school. HAHA

After all this, the kids had their pictures taken, treats, AND went home with a "loot bag" --even the adults!
Thank you Kidsummer staff for a wonderful time. The kids loved it and are anxious to go to the next event.

Thanks, Anne Burak

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